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Felecia Scott

Daughter, I hear you every time you cry

I know what you are going and you will smile after awhile

The trial that you are facing is only to make you strong

I bragged about you long ago, and I am just completing My job

I am shaping and molding you for your next position

In this position, you will face more trials; that is why I am allowing you to go through this trial

I know that it seems as if it will never end; I just have patience

Daughter, you are going to win

You just remember to put on your armor

I will hold your hand every step; just have faith

Daughter, just remember that I have not failed you yet

Even though you may want to throw in the towel

You have to be strong because it is too late for you to turn back now

Daughter, I hear you every time you cry

Daughter, do you not know that he (Satan) has to ask Me to do whatever he wants to do to you

I signed the permission slip because I bragged about you, and I know that you are going to win because you are My child

Daughter, you don't have to cry anymore because your battle is won

Daughter, welcome to your new position

Created the poem Daughter in October of 2000. At the time, the author was seeking permanent employment. While seeking permanent employment, she began to write the poem during her breaks. One of her co-workers kept encouraging her to complete it. So the author honored her co-worker's requests and finished it. Nonetheless, the co-worker was pleased, and another co-worker told me to publish it, and another co-worker mailed my manuscript to the Library of Congress Copyright Office.


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